Catalase 1.0

At first glance, low catalase and/or high hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels can be tied to the start or existence of graying hair. Gray hair appears in our early 40's and can be extensive in the 50's, 60's and beyond.

What can high levels H2O2 molecules do? 

H2O2 reduces production of melanin in hair follicles, which consequently results in follicles that produce gray hair. Since the process is well known, it can be postulated that graying hair indicates in-balance in natural catalase-H2O2 levels. Catalase is produced by all cells precisely to break down H2O2 molecules. When there is in-balance in the catalase-H2O2 level, excess H2O2 molecules can result.

Long-term exposure (year over year) to higher-than-normal H2O2 and its resulting ROS molecules can damage hair follicle cells' DNA and cell functions to the point that the damage is permanent. Permanently damaged hair follicles can only produce gray hair. Damaged follicles may also result in hair loss (nonfunctioning or dead). At the same time, follicles that are not yet severely damaged are growing gray hair due to low melanin levels. Supporting catalase levels may reverse low melanin production and thus support new growth of natural hair color.

Note: an observed in-balance in catalase-H2O2 levels is very likely not limited to just hair follicles.

The following illustrates how hydrogen peroxide causes gray hair and how catalase stops the bleaching of hair follicles.


Our Catalase 2.0 page details the role of catalase and how essential it is to health, wellness and longevity. There are multiple research and clinical publications about the importance of catalase levels. Contact us at to receive links to these studies. The references are updated routinely with new information about catalase as related to illness/longevity/health issues.

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Under US Law, the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements and thus has not certified the performance of this product. Science Smart Catalase Enzyme supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any diseases.