Replacement Policy

Policy: when you purchase our products, you are confirming that you have read and accepted our shipping and replacement policies.

REPLACMENT POLICY: We have a 5-day replacement policy, which means you have five (5) days after your item was delivered to the “ship to” address provided on your order to request a replacement. See below.

Please inspect your shipment upon receipt and contact us immediately if the item was damaged during transit or was received defective (has leaked or if the safety seal is broken) or if you received the wrong item. We will do our best to immediately make it right for you.

To start a replacement claim please contact us at: Please provide the information requested in the following “Replacements” section. Once approved, replacement will be initiated.

Replacement product(s):

US Mainland Customers - approved replacement(s) will be provided free of charge and includes shipping.

International customers - approved replacement(s), will be provided free of charge but will not include any shipping costs & fees. If replacement is approved, International customers can pay for shipping via our PayPal using account;

Valid requests for replacement product(s) are; if your shipment was received damaged due to poor handling in-transit, the product leaked or was not delivered. If the product(s) was received damaged or defective, please take a picture(s) of the product(s) to document any in-transit damage or defects immediately on receipt of the product. You will be required to provide evidence of product damage or defects within the 5-day policy window. We will confirm the delivery date of your item using the tracking number provided with your confirmation.

Non-replacement. After the 5 day post-delivery timeline as defined by our replacement policy product(s) will not be replaced free of charge.

Non-refundable – All purchases of our organic & biological products are final. These include: custom made products, enzyme solutions, protein solutions, skin gels and creams, oral and topical supplements and other similar biological products.

Please direct any questions about the type of product you ordered to:

Thank you for your purchase! We hope you will never need to make a claim for a replacement. We do our best to ensure properly packaged and undamaged products.