Catalase 2.0
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is continually produced in our bodies and high levels are toxic, can kill or damage the DNA and Mitochondria of cells. Our metabolic processes produce H2O2 and S.O.D. enzymes catalyze (convert) ROS molecules into H2O2, so H2O2 is ever present and circulating in all cells. To combat this dangerous molecule, all cells naturally produce Catalase, an enzyme that specifically breakdowns down H2O2. H2O2 is toxic to cells and if not broken down will be toxic to all cells and also degrade into reactive free radical (ROS) molecules.
H2O2 production cannot be avoided because it is a byproduct of all metabolic processes. In-balance in catalase-H2O2 levels can lead to excess H2O2 molecules that can cause cell death, called apoptosis.
The bottom line: H2O2 is continually produced in our bodies and high levels are toxic to cells (kills them) and will create ROS molecules that are very harmful.
ROS molecules are very dangerous to overall health, wellness and longevity. Their harmful effects have been well documented in many journals and research papers. ROS molecules cause irreversible DNA mutation and cell mitochondria damage resulting in cells that do not function properly or not at all. Cells with damaged or mutated DNA can evolve into many types of cancers. It is also well documented that damaged, poorly functioning cells can accelerate aging, trigger diseases, and thus decay our overall health. Premature aging, poor health and low overall wellness are known consequences of ROS molecules.
The following illustrates how H2O2 kills cells (apoptosis).
Fortunately, catalase is produced by all cells specifically to decompose hydrogen peroxide into nonreactive oxygen and water before it can reach toxic levels and/or create ROS molecules.
Unfortunately, catalase levels can drop with age, and worse, hydrogen peroxide may be increased from using common OTC products, prescribed drugs and a poor diet. The use of such products, drugs and foods along with a drop in catalase levels can result in higher-than-normal levels of H2O2.
The following are commonly taken OTC products, prescribed medicines and food items that can increase H2O2 levels in cells: S.O.D. supplements, alcohol (wine, spirits and beer), sugars (carbohydrates & sweets), statins, antidepressants, antacids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.), smoking, corticosteroids, contraceptives, hormone replacement drugs (SERMs) and others. Many of these medicines/drugs are routinely used day to day and frankly may not be avoidable. Supplementing catalase levels supports the breakdown of excess H2O2 molecules.
Basically, you do not want above normal hydrogen peroxide levels that can damage or even kill cells and be a source of ROS molecules. Elevated levels of ROS molecules from any source are very dangerous and will reduce health, wellness and longevity by damaging cellular DNA and mitochondria. Adding other antioxidants to your regimen, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E will fight ROS molecules that are created by other environmental toxins. Combining catalase supplementation with Vit C and Vit E are good strategies to support health, wellness and longevity as well as looking younger than would otherwise be.
The following illustrates the damage to cells from H2O2 molecules and how catalase works to break it down in cells to covert H2O2 into harmless water and oxygen.
Clinical & Research about deficiencies or malfunction of catalase:
Multiple studies postulate that low catalase levels are related to the pathogenesis of many age-associated degenerative diseases as; diabetes mellitus, chronic inflammation, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, anemia, vitiligo, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, thyroid disease and others.
Research continues on catalase enzyme as knowledge of its value expands. Contact us at to receive links to clinical and research publications that support the importance of catalase to our health, wellness and longevity.
Different and Better: we deliver the highest potency and unique-full absorption catalase supplements available. These are designed for oral and topical catalase supplementation (visit our Home page to view our supplements).
Under US Law, the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements and thus has not certified the performance of this product. Science Smart Catalase Enzyme Supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any diseases.